- Scott H Young - https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog -

Listen for Success

Listening to audio content daily is one of my most beneficial habits I have adopted. Books on tape are easy to fit into your schedule and they go so much further than simply providing you with ideas. In many cases you can literally feel the authors enthusiasm rub off on you, giving you that extra bit of motivation you need. Audio material also tends to be listened to more repeatedly, so the ideas and concepts are absorbed more deeply.

Even people with incredibly busy schedules can fit in as much as a half hour to an hour of audio content into their day. Simply because you can do other mindless activities while listening, it is the perfect way to multitask. Listening while cooking, driving to work, walking and exercising can allow you to fit in this valuable habit without having to isolate time for it.

Most of the programs I have purchased tend to run in either shorter two hour tapes or longer six hour ones. The shorter programs tend to be more vague and general, focusing more on the motivational value rather than actual usable information. Longer programs tend to go into far more detail and can provide more value if you are willing to pay for it.

The greatest value of listening to audio programs isn’t really the information. Their real value is that the speakers enthusiasm rubs off on you, leaving you more motivated and optimistic. Because you can listen to a few minutes during the breaks in your day, each session is like breathing new life into your day.

One of my favorite speakers for this is Anthony Robbins [1]. Tony is one of the most animated and enthusiastic speakers I know, and you can’t help feeling more driven and excited when you hear him speak. I personally have received a lot of information and motivation by listening to Tony’s tapes.

How many times will you read this article? Chances are only once. However, it is likely that you did not retain all of the information in it. One of the real powers of audio content is that it is repetitive. By continually reminding you of the ideas it contains, you are continuously aware of it. Because listening to audio content is a more passive act then reading, you are far more likely to get the repetition you need as opposed to books and articles you only read once.

Sometimes all it takes to really move us forward is not an original or fresh concept, but being reminded of a good one. Many of the articles I have written that have been quoted or linked by other blogs are far from original ideas. Still, they provide value because they remind people of the good ideas we need to remember.

Where can you get started with audio programs?

First of all you will need something to play them on. I personally use an mp3 player because of its portability and large storage capacity, but CD players will work too. Seeing how inexpensive the technology is becoming, an mp3 or CD player won’t be an incredibly expensive investment.

Second you need to get your hands on some content. Check out your local library to see if they stock any personal development tapes. I personally use amazon to buy all of my audio programs. If you are looking for free content, many blogs have free podcasts that relate to personal development, Steve Pavlina being one of them. While everyone has personal styles, my favorite speakers to listen to are Tony Robbins [1], Zig Ziglar [2], Brian Tracy [3] and Earl Nightingale [4].

Once you’ve got some audio programs ready, just get into the habit of playing them when you are doing a mindless activity. Tasks like cooking, cleaning, running, walking or driving are all good candidates to be multitasked with an audio recording. My personal suggestion is to try to ensure you have a bit more focus on the tape in your first listening. Some speakers, Tony Robbins being a notable example, like to encourage you to do things while listening to the tape, so you might want to give your first listening more attention.

Go ahead, turn up the volume and listen for success.