- Scott H Young - https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog -

Managing Stress with Daily Goals

I recently wrote a guest post over at lifehack.org [1] about managing stress by setting daily goals instead of traditional to-do lists. Daily goal-setting means chunking to-do items into a group you will tackle tomorrow. This process helps you schedule your next day between a light and a hard day. Ultimately this will reduce guilt when you aren’t working and force you to be productive when you need to. It is a system I swear by.


You’ve got your big project to work on. The deadline for your goals is looming over your shoulder. You are starting to feel it’s hot breath of guilt whenever you aren’t working. Socializing with your friends, taking a break, even just going to sleep now seems like it is just wasting time. When you are working you feel tired and drained and when you aren’t working you can’t really rest because of the nagging feeling that you simply aren’t doing enough.

Burnout is a big problem when you are working towards goals. Your goals become so motivating, that doing anything not directly related to their achievement seems wasteful. Half of you wants to recover your energy to go back with full force and the other believes you are just wasting time.

Read the full article here: Managing Stress with Daily Goals [2]