- Scott H Young - https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog -

I’m Reopening My Rapid Learning Tactics Program

The last time it was open, it sold out in 36 minutes [1]. That is Learning on Steroids, a monthly program I run for training rapid learning tactics.

In just over a week, I’ll be accepting a new round of members. Unfortunately, like last time, space is limited and you will only have a few days to get in.

If you want in, you’ll need to put your name on the free email list [2]. People on this list will get the first chance to sign-up, so if the launch is anything like last time, regular RSS subscribers or visitors to the website won’t have a chance to get in.

What is Learning on Steroids?

The goal of the program is simple:

  1. Teach you what skills rapid learners use to ace finals without studying [3], quickly become fluent in new languages [4] or go from mediocre grades to straight A’s [5].
  2. Allow you to train those skills with a member’s forum, email encouragement and access to personal coaching.

The price is student friendly, but it’s that last point that means space is limited. Since I personally handle emails and questions, there is a limit to how many learners I can take on in the program.

Should I Sign Up?

First, before you can sign up, you need to put your name on the free announcement email list [2]. As I said before, you probably won’t get a chance to join if you aren’t on that list.

For joining the list, you also get access to an audio interview I did with Liam Martin, founder of VTAMethod [6], where he explains how the ideas behind the program helped him get an exemption on a recent exam.

If you’re on the list, I’ll be explaining a lot more about the program and taking questions before we launch. So, if you aren’t sure whether it’s right for you, the announcement emails will help you decide (and, of course, you can unsubscribe if you decide it’s not for you).

What’s my Chance of Getting a Seat?

I can’t say exactly. For this new round, I’ve decided the maximum amount of students I can take is 300. However, there are over 5x that many people already on the list and 34x that many people getting this announcement today from the blog.

You can click here to get free email updates [2] about the program.