- Scott H Young - https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog -

When Are You Happiest?

Today I’d like to get your feedback on a question: when are you happiest? I want to avoid biasing the results by putting qualifiers on what “happiest” means, so I’ll let you decide. I’m assuming that none of us can maintain a persistent state of absolute bliss. This must mean there are some sections of time you feel happier than others. I’m curious as to when you feel those moments are highest in your life.

I already have a personal answer to this question, but I’m interested in hearing the variety of responses people have. Add your comment to the bottom of this post, or e-mail me [1].

The above question is the one I’m most interested in, so if you only have time to answer one question — please add your response. But, here are a few possible follow-up questions you might want to elaborate on:

  1. When are you in your most unhappy state?
  2. Do you spend most your time in that happy state? If not, what prevents you from doing so?
  3. What external factors or internal factors need to be present in order for you to reach this state of happiness?

Depending on the amount of responses, I’d like to do a follow-up post to explore some of the ideas people come up with.