The 8-Hour Workday is Broken
Most of the tricks offered by gurus to help you get things done make one dangerous assumption, that you’re working inside a cubicle. But, if that’s the case, where’s the advice for the students, entrepreneurs, freelancers and everyone who isn’t stuck in an office?
I wrote this guide because I was tired of seeing the same productivity advice being peddled around the internet, minor “hacks” and tricks to save a few minutes each day. The problem is, if you’re outside the cubicle, those tricks aren’t worth the effort.
Once I threw away the cubicle assumption, I was able to explore a completely different approach to work. One where the 8-hour workday doesn’t exist and I could get more done by actually working less.
Who am I?
I’m just like you. I’m not a world-class expert or a guru. Just someone with a (possibly unhealthy) obsession into figuring out how to work better. I’m a student, freelancer and online entrepreneur, who has spent waaay too much time researching and experimenting to find the best way to get things finished.
Here are a few of the things I’ve been able to do by applying the principles I’ll explain in this book:
- Finish entire days of work—by noon.
- De-stress my life so that I enjoy work.
- Be able to relax guilt-free after my work is done.
- Grown a part-time business to thousands of dollars of sales in a month, while maintaining full-time courses, freelancing and having a life.
- Being able to be relaxed, while still making progress towards my work-related goals.
Who is This Guide For?
I didn’t aim to write this book for everyone. Too much productivity advice is so generic as to be lousy in most situations. Instead, I wanted to create a guide that could have a more powerful impact for a smaller group of people.
This book is for anyone who is working from home, and would like some ideas to help control the stress of work while accomplishing more. In particular, I’ve written this book for people who are:
- Students
- Freelancers
- Entrepreneurs (or people looking to start a small business)
- Anyone working on a personal project at home
Who is This Guide Not For?
I wrote this book because I have a passion for sharing the productivity lessons I’ve learned. But, I understand that there will be people who won’t get as much benefit from this book. That’s fine, and I don’t want to sell you anything if I don’t believe it will have a big impact on your life.
If you work in a cubicle and have no interest in running personal projects from home, this book isn’t for you. There are plenty of other guides to serve your interests better.
If you’re looking for a quick fix that will transform your life instantly, this book isn’t for you. While I’ve had great results from the ideas in this book, and have seen results from people who have applied them, it isn’t magic.
If you don’t care about getting more from your working life, this book isn’t for you. I think this guide will work best for people who want to get more out of their work, without adding to their stress levels.
What Is In The Guide?
I’ve split the resources of the guide into two parts. The Quick-Start and Total Packages, which are both extremely useful depending on the level of detail and advanced information you want.

Think Outside the Cubicle, Quick-Start, contains the full 122 page pdf report. This includes all seven chapters which explain in detail how you can break out of the 9-5 mindset, nuke your procrastination and achieve more with fewer working hours.
Think Outside the Cubicle, Total Package, combines the full report along with:

- Over 90 minutes of audio interview from:
- Productivity powerhouse Leo Babauta of the Top 100 Blog, Zen Habits
- and, Cal Newport, MIT PhD graduate, bestselling author and productivity blogger.
- Three bonus reports each designed to tailor the general content of the main report towards the specific problems of freelancers, entrepreneurs and students.
Both versions of the guide also include previously unpublished tips I collected from Steve Pavlina, Leo Babauta, Cal Newport and Chris Guillebeau from The Art of Nonconformity.
My Promise to You
I won’t promise you that after reading my book you’ll immediately earn a million dollars. Or, that you’ll be able to only work 4 hours a week and still accomplish everything. Frankly, if I made those kind of promises, I doubt you’d believe me.
What I do promise is that if you read the book, and work to integrate the core concepts into your life, that you’ll be able to:
- Work effectively when you work, with less procrastination.
- Relax more when you relax, with less guilt about taking a break.
- Increase your feeling of control, which comes from knowing how to accomplish more with less stress.
More importantly, than this promise is that if you read the book, and for any reason, you aren’t happy with it, send me an email. I will give you back the entire purchase price of the book. Even more, I’ll give you up to 120 days to take advantage of this complete refund policy, so you’ll have plenty of time to try it out.
Think Outside the Cubicle - Quick-Start: $27 (contains 122 page pdf report)
Think Outside the Cubicle - Total Package: $47 (also contains 90 minutes of audio interview and 3 bonus reports)
About Author
Contact ScottWhat People are Saying:
“Thank you for existing. When, I first read your blog I was a mess. I had no direction except school, and even that made me miserable. Despite being in advanced programs during highschool, I was only a C student. I wasn't doing too much better in college. Until, that is, my friend lent me your book.
I used you as motivation. Any time a moment seemed to hard, or too stressful, I'd whip open your blog and read something. Before I knew it, I was back hard at work.
Now I am a completely different person. I live a blessed, full, life now. I can't thank you enough, but I'm of the belief that people who deserve thanks very rarely hear it. So, here it is: Thank you Scott, for everything you have done."
“This is a seriously good ebook by an excellent writer with great credentials."
-ZenHabits creator Leo Babauta for Scott's book Learn More, Study Less