“Just get started,” is the default mantra for all self-help, business books and anyone telling you how to improve your life. Yet, this is actually a piece of advice I think is more often wrong than right. Contrary to this bromide, I think preparing more is good. Most people actually start projects without much planning, […]
The World is a Hierarchy, Our Theories Aren’t
Natural sciences support the basic idea of reductionism. Sociology reduces to psychology, which reduces to biology, which reduces to chemistry, which reduces to physics. Things get enormously more complicated with each layer, so that doesn’t mean that knowing quantum mechanics can give you special insight into the next election. However, the basic idea that biology […]
Decision Making: How To Handle All The Permutations And Combinations
Question: Sometimes it feels like there are just too many choices to make? Every step leads to a million more possibilities? How can you make decisions? It’s often easy to frame a decision when there are only two options: quit or stay, left or right, more or less. However, life choices rarely present themselves as […]
4 Actionable Steps To Feel Happy, Content and Grateful
Question: Each one of us would like to be thankful and feel gratitude for all the things that we have today. But why is it so common to only notice everything wrong/missing in our lives? What are some ways to practice gratitude and feel content with what we have? Our minds were designed by evolution […]