I’ve traveled to a lot of cities. I’ve also lived for more than a few months in several of them. It would seem obvious that the places I know best be the ones that I spent the most time in. But strangely, this often isn’t the case. I did far more sightseeing and tourist activities […]
Be Bold, Presumptuous and Stop Caring About What Others Think
A reader recently referred me to this project to break into the top 250 table tennis players in the UK in one year. What happened? He failed. In his own words: “The challenge ended a week ago and I am still nowhere near the top 250. I wasn’t even good enough to get an official […]
The Fear of Going Soft
One of my biggest fears about being a full-time writer is that I’ll become disconnected from the things I write about. When I was in university, writing about learning and productivity was grounded in context. Being a full-time advice-giver is scary because you no longer have the day-to-day experience of the things you write about. […]
The Danger of Easy Skepticism
I remember taking a class in business school, where we had to evaluate the financial prospects of startups. The startups were real, but the names were changed and in industries obscure enough that we rarely could guess the true identity without cheating. Given limited information and numbers, we were each given one company and asked […]